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Publication date: 12 December 2023

Kanwal Zahid, Qamar Ali, Zafar Iqbal, Samina Saghir and Muhammad Tariq Iqbal Khan

Environmental protection and conservation of resources is a challenge for policymakers to attain sustainable growth and development. The current study uses the variable of…



Environmental protection and conservation of resources is a challenge for policymakers to attain sustainable growth and development. The current study uses the variable of inclusive growth instead of the traditional measure of growth.


The link between inclusive growth, renewable energy, industrial production, trade openness and the environment is explored by using panel data from 1995 to 2019 in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS) countries. Before applying formal techniques, unit root tests were applied to check the stationarity of each variable. The long-run relationship among factors was found by the Kao cointegration test. The panel dynamic ordinary least squares (DLOS) was employed for regression estimation.


The results verified a decrease in ecological footprint (EF) in response to a potential rise in renewable energy consumption. An upsurge in EFs was explored due to a rise in gross domestic product (GDP) per person employed and trade openness. The EF significantly decreased by 0.671% in response to a 1% rise in renewable energy consumption.

Research limitations/implications

It is highly suggested to enhance renewable energy usage. To achieve this, policymakers should implement and emphasize efficient energy technologies to ensure improving the environment. Efficient use of renewable energy resources will decrease global warming effects and ensure the sustainable use of scarce resources.


It first took into account the variable of inclusive growth instead of traditional growth measures. It explored the impact of GDP per person employed as an indicator of inclusive growth.


Kybernetes, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0368-492X


Publication date: 3 August 2020

Zafar Iqbal and Nigel Peter Grigg

Quality function deployment (QFD) is a quality improvement methodology using a system of interrelated matrices, where the influence of any one matrix may meaningfully change the…



Quality function deployment (QFD) is a quality improvement methodology using a system of interrelated matrices, where the influence of any one matrix may meaningfully change the concluding outcomes. In these interconnected matrices, the voice of customer (VOC) matrix and competitor matrix have a strong relationship. The current practice of finding improvement ratios (IRs) does not incorporate competitors' rating in a way that fully utilises competitors' rating information. The aim of this article to enhance VOC importance ratings by utilising the application of analytic hierarchy process (AHP) combined with the geometric mean (GM).


The current practice of computing IRs may divert QFD practitioners' attention from a potentially important VOC to less important VOC. In the first step using the existing competitors' ratings, a matrix of multiple comparisons is generated for all competitors. In the second step GM for each VOC is integrated with present VOC importance ratings to set new ratings.


A QFD case study from the published literature is used to illustrate the application of new method. It is described how the existing results of the case study may divert to flawed decisions. It is further corroborated that in this way re-ranking of existing VOCs better achieve the goal of customer satisfaction in relation to VOC ratings and competitors' rankings.


By employing this method, competitor rating can be transformed to two dimensional results, which provide a better picture to practitioners in observing their company's position and in improving VOC rating as well.


International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, vol. 70 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1741-0401


Publication date: 8 August 2016

Abiha Zahra and Muhammad Zafar Iqbal Jadoon

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between structural arrangements of public agencies of Pakistan and their autonomy.



The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between structural arrangements of public agencies of Pakistan and their autonomy.


Data were collected through a questionnaire using the key informant approach from 70 public agencies of Pakistan. Hypotheses were drawn from the structural instrumental perspective to examine the relation between structure and autonomy. In order to test the hypotheses, multivariate regression analysis was performed on the data.


The research highlights that out of the three major structural dimensions, horizontal specialization, vertical specialization and governing board, only governing board is seen to affect the human resource management dimension of autonomy while vertical specialization is related to financial management autonomy. None of the three hypotheses were completely supported. The divergence of the results from the structural instrumental perspective points to other factors related to agencies including administrative culture and context of state that matter in delegation of autonomy to the agencies by the government.


This paper contributes to an on-going debate on globalization of public management reforms with emphasis on structural instrumental explanation of the agencification in developing countries.


International Journal of Public Sector Management, vol. 29 no. 6
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0951-3558


Open Access
Publication date: 17 July 2023

Kanza Abid, Zafar Iqbal Shams, Muhammad Suleman Tahir and Arif Zubair

The presence of heavy metals in milk causes many acute and chronic physiological dysfunctions in human organs. The present study aims to investigate the heavy metals in cow's and…




The presence of heavy metals in milk causes many acute and chronic physiological dysfunctions in human organs. The present study aims to investigate the heavy metals in cow's and buffalo's milk of two major cities, Karachi and Gujranwala, Pakistan to estimate metal intake by humans from this source.


In total, 48 milk samples from 2 cities were drawn from animals' udder to avoid contamination. Each sample was digested with nitric acid at 105 oC (degree Celsius) on a pre-heated electric hot plate to investigate the metals by atomic absorption spectroscopy (flame type). Air-acetylene technique analyzed chromium, cadmium and lead, and the hydride method analyzed arsenic in the milk samples.


The results revealed the highest mean lead concentration (19.65 ± 43.86 ppb) in the milk samples, followed by chromium (2.10 ± 2.33 ppb) and arsenic (0.48 ± 0.73 ppb). Cadmium was not detected in any sample, assuming cadmium's occurrence was below the detection level. The concentrations of all the metals in the samples of the two cities do not differ statistically. Lead concentrations in the buffalo's milk were higher than in cow's milk (p < 0.05). However, the concentrations of arsenic and chromium between buffalo's and cow's milk do not differ statistically. The present study reveals a lower level of metals in the milk than those conducted elsewhere. The mean concentrations of all the metals met the World Health Organization's (WHO) safety guidelines (1993).

Research limitations/implications

Although cadmium causes toxicity in the human body, cadmium could not be measured because cadmium's concentration was below the detection level, which is 1 ppb.

Practical implications

This study will help reduce the toxic metals in our environment, and the sources of heavy metals, particularly from the industrial sector could be identified. The feed and water consumed by the milking animals could be carefully used for feeding them.

Social implications

This study will help reduce the diseases and malfunction of human organs and organ systems since these heavy metals cause toxicity and carcinogenicity in humans. Arsenic and chromium cause cancer while lead causes encephalopathy (a brain disease).


The study reports heavy metal concentrations in the two attributes of four independent variables of raw milk samples that were scarcely reported from Pakistan.


Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research, vol. ahead-of-print no. ahead-of-print
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1985-9899


Publication date: 7 March 2016

Rusliza Yahaya and Fawzy Ebrahim

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between Bass’s (1985) leadership dimensions (transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire) and several outcome…




The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between Bass’s (1985) leadership dimensions (transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire) and several outcome variables (employee extra effort, employee satisfaction with leader, leadership effectiveness) and organizational commitment.


This is a systematic literature review.


This review briefly discusses the conceptual framework and the Full Range Leadership Model (Bass, 1985) which include transformational leadership, transactional leadership, and laissez-faire leadership. Also discussed in this section were the abilities and the characteristics of transformational leaders. The leadership section was concluded with discussion on previous researches on transformational leadership. This review also provides a literature review on organizational commitment.


Described in this paper are the various definitions of organizational commitment and the three-component model of commitment. This paper also described the antecedents and outcomes of organizational commitment obtained from previous researches. This paper concluded with a discussion on the impact of transformational leadership on employee organizational commitment.


Journal of Management Development, vol. 35 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0262-1711


Publication date: 1 February 1998

Zafar Iqbal, Michael Clarke and David J. Taylor

Aim: To assess the potential for improved clinical effectiveness through the use of research‐based evidence in obstetric care. Design: A questionnaire survey to obtain evidence…


Aim: To assess the potential for improved clinical effectiveness through the use of research‐based evidence in obstetric care. Design: A questionnaire survey to obtain evidence about (i) the usage of reviews of controlled perinatal trials, and (ii) the attitudes of professionals towards the reviews and their practice, relating to 27 areas of clinical care addressed by the reviews. Subjects and setting: All doctors and midwives working in two teaching hospital maternity units (Units X and Y). Main outcome measures: The use of the reviews. For each of the 27 areas of clinical care, (i) whether a majority of professionals were in agreement with research‐based evidence, and (ii) how perceived current practice compared with research‐based evidence. Results: For most areas of clinical care (21/27 in unit X, 20/27 in unit Y) a majority of professionals agreed with the research‐based evidence. However, for a large proportion of these areas (16/21 in unit X, 12/20 in unit Y), practice appeared to be inconsistent with research‐based evidence. Conclusion: There is a considerable opportunity to improve clinical effectiveness, as in many of the areas of care examined professionals agree with research‐based evidence, but clinical practice appears to be inconsistent. The approach used in this study could be used to help develop practices for promoting clinical effectiveness.


Journal of Clinical Effectiveness, vol. 3 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1361-5874

Publication date: 2 March 2015

Zafar Iqbal, Nigel Peter Grigg, K. Govindaraju and Nicola Marie Campbell-Allen

Quality function deployment (QFD) is a planning methodology to improve products, services and their associated processes by ensuring that the voice of the customer has been…



Quality function deployment (QFD) is a planning methodology to improve products, services and their associated processes by ensuring that the voice of the customer has been effectively deployed through specified and prioritised technical attributes (TAs). The purpose of this paper is two ways: to enhance the prioritisation of TAs: computer simulation significance test; and computer simulation confidence interval. Both are based on permutation sampling, bootstrap sampling and parametric bootstrap sampling of given empirical data.


The authors present a theoretical case for the use permutation sampling, bootstrap sampling and parametric bootstrap sampling. Using a published case study the authors demonstrate how these can be applied on given empirical data to generate a theoretical population. From this the authors describe a procedure to decide upon which TAs have significantly different priority, and also estimate confidence intervals from the theoretical simulated populations.


First, the authors demonstrate not only parametric bootstrap is useful to simulate theoretical populations. The authors can also employ permutation sampling and bootstrap sampling to generate theoretical populations. Then the authors obtain the results from these three approaches. qThe authors describe why there is a difference in results of permutation sampling, bootstrap and parametric bootstrap sampling. Practitioners can employ any approach, it depends how much variation in FWs is required by quality assurance division.


Using these methods provides QFD practitioners with a robust and reliable method for determining which TAs should be selected for attention in product and service design. The explicit selection of TAs will help to achieve maximum customer satisfaction, and save time and money, which are the ultimate objectives of QFD.


International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, vol. 64 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 1741-0401


Publication date: 25 February 2014

Zafar Iqbal, Nigel P. Grigg, K. Govinderaju and Nicola Campbell-Allen

Quality function deployment (QFD) is a methodology to translate the “voice of the customer” into engineering/technical specifications (HOWs) to be followed in designing of…



Quality function deployment (QFD) is a methodology to translate the “voice of the customer” into engineering/technical specifications (HOWs) to be followed in designing of products or services. For the method to be effective, QFD practitioners need to be able to accurately differentiate between the final weights (FWs) that have been assigned to HOWs in the house of quality matrix. The paper aims to introduce a statistical testing procedure to determine whether the FWs of HOWs are significantly different and investigate the robustness of different rating scales used in QFD practice in contributing to these differences.


Using a range of published QFD examples, the paper uses a parametric bootstrap testing procedure to test the significance of the differences between the FWs by generating simulated random samples based on a theoretical probability model. The paper then determines the significance or otherwise of the differences between: the two most extreme FWs and all pairs of FWs. Finally, the paper checks the robustness of different attribute rating scales (linear vs non-linear) in the context of these testing procedures.


The paper demonstrates that not all of the differences that exist between the FWs of HOW attributes are in fact significant. In the absence of such a procedure, there is no reliable analytical basis for QFD practitioners to determine whether FWs are significantly different, and they may wrongly prioritise one engineering attribute over another.


This is the first article to test the significance of the differences between FWs of HOWs and to determine the robustness of different strength of scales used in relationship matrix.


International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, vol. 31 no. 2
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0265-671X


Publication date: 12 September 2008

Faqir M. Anjum, Imran Pasha, Sarfraz Ahmad, M. Issa Khan and Zafar Iqbal

The present study was designed to enhance the nutritional and calorific value of food without affecting quality of final product with the use of emulsifiers. Lysine contents in…



The present study was designed to enhance the nutritional and calorific value of food without affecting quality of final product with the use of emulsifiers. Lysine contents in potatoes are similar to animal protein and its flour can be utilized to overcome protein and calorie malnutrition.


Composite flours were prepared by substituting wheat flour with potato flour at 20 per cent, with guar gum 3 per cent and GMS at 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8 and 1.0. The blends were subject to proximate analysis and calorific value determination. Naan prepared from composite flours were evaluated by panel of judges to access suitable level of supplementation.


Statistical analysis revealed significant decrease in moisture, protein, crude fiber while increase in the fat content of composite flour. Replacement of wheat flour by potato flour has non significant effect on the ash and carbohydrates contents nitrogen free extract (NFE). Moisture, protein and fat contents decreased significantly with the passage of time during storage while crude fiber, ash content and NFE were found to be non‐significantly affected by duration of storage. Potato flour at 20 per cent level of substitution along with 3 per cent guar gum and 0.6 per cent GMS was found to be acceptable by panel of judges having maximum acceptability of naan.

Practical implications

Potato flour supplementation can be done through roller flour mills or small scale grinders (chakki) to enhance the value of flour to be used by masses in order to overcome the protein malnutrition as quantity of potato flour protein is comparable to animal protein.


Presently potatoes are consumed as vegetable and during peak season processed into flour, starch and dried products. Potato flour is rarely used for the production of baked products in Pakistan. Potatoes are rich in starch, vitamin B1, and vitamin B2, ash content, fiber content and essential amino acids as compared to cereals. Thus potato flour can utilized to improve the energy status of masses. Research conducted was unique in its nature as effect of both storage periods was evaluated and the suitable levels of replacement of potato flour were investigated.


Nutrition & Food Science, vol. 38 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0034-6659


Publication date: 3 July 2007

Xin Ding, Rohit Verma and Zafar Iqbal

The application of self‐service technology in transaction‐based e‐service (e.g. online financial services) creates a challenge for firms: what combination of features should they…




The application of self‐service technology in transaction‐based e‐service (e.g. online financial services) creates a challenge for firms: what combination of features should they offer to satisfy needs from different customer segments? This paper seeks to address the above question by highlighting similarities and differences of consumer preferences among self‐service, hybrid service and professional service segments for online financial services.


This study employs a web‐based discrete choice experiment, in which 1,319 consumers were offered different account alternatives, which include features for self‐service and professional assistance, price per transaction, and promotion offers.


The results demonstrate that overall, consumer preferences for features of online financial services differ across segments. Moreover, with the variation in the strength of self‐reliance, interesting trends regarding the relative importance of features are observed. With the given customer segments, this study also identifies several demographic features with significant effects on the choice of service alternatives through a multinomial logistic model.


The authors believe that these results have both managerial and research implications for design and operations strategy formulation for online financial services.


International Journal of Service Industry Management, vol. 18 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0956-4233


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